

How well are you managing the risks of today’s unbounded IT environment?

随着IT生态系统扩展到云端, 物联网(IoT)设备和边缘计算, the formerly well-defined boundaries of cybersecurity keep blurring. 结果是, many chief information security officers and security leaders find it increasingly difficult to manage their IT footprint and the data associated with their systems. The key to success is implementing a secure architecture that can adapt and grow with your organization.

不知道从哪里开始? 你首先要设计, 部署和成熟一个跨平台, 以标准和原则为基础的安全基础设施. 这将使您能够保护关键数据, 保护关键进程, support operations and align your architecture with your enterprise IT and business strategies. 鉴于威胁的数量和现代IT工作的复杂性, 你的团队可能已经捉襟见肘了. Lacking the time and knowledge typically required to tackle this work, 像你们这样的组织经常需要请求增援.


Our cyber architecture and engineering advisors enable you to understand the implications of your technical security risks, 包括对业务的影响.

在多个行业拥有多年的经验, 我们的工程师了解您的业务,可以为您量身定制, holistic secure architecture strategy that includes detailed system designs and network blueprints. We can then identify the technologies that align with your architectures and deploy and manage leading-edge security tools. And to ensure your team has the ongoing support needed every step along the way, 我们提供战略指导, 战术支援及人员训练.


Safeguard the emerging security risks of IoT and industrial IoT systems. RSM’s security testing team will assess the security of your IoT infrastructure, 软件和硬件设备. Our experienced engineers will perform IoT threat modelling and security assessments for every component of your infrastructure. We’ll also identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities and provide recommendations to ensure protection and resilience.



Connect with our risk, fraud and cybersecurity professionals today.


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