Acquisition and divestiture strategy

Sellers used to perform diligence. Now buyers do too.

RSM has a winning strategy and experienced resources are essential for success. The reasons are similar: get the most value from the transaction with the least amount of risk and exposure.

Acquisitions and divestitures are proven strategies to increase organizational value, and several process adjustments to ensure alignment with the investment thesis can affect their likelihood for success. The broad objectives of a transaction are usually maximizing value, limiting risk exposures and accelerating speed. The specific objectives of a transaction are usually unique to every deal.

That’s where it’s crucial to have a seasoned M&A advisor provide assistance. RSM  professionals are deeply experienced with the critical details of each transaction type. We’ll provide you with end-to-end or targeted support when and where you need it. Our industry and technical resources support your transaction team as we deliver process efficiencies, data-driven technical analyses, financial recommendations and thoughtful advice.

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你的交易. 你的目标. 我们的首要任务.

Review these details about strategies for acquiring and divesting for value. We’ve implemented them for others. Might we do the same for you? 大家一起说.
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